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What's Your Furniture Made From?

What's Your Furniture Made From?

Posted by Jenna Levy on 30th Jun 2016

Part of our mission here at Decibel Designs is a desire to share the passion and pride we have in our work with our customers. A lot of time goes into each piece, and we hope that these pieces will invoke a lifetime of memories for you and your loved ones.

In honor of this mission and our continued dedication to our craft, Decibel Designs is kicking off a series of blog posts, discussing different types of wood, and why some are or aren't chosen for our work. We hope that you find this information interesting and engaging. Questions? Feel free to reach out any time! We'd love to hear from you.

First up? Oak.

Oak is a popular choice for furniture designers and architects alike, for good reason. It's hard and durable, a clean and classic look for many pieces, no matter what the aesthetic of your home. Most oak wood isn't stained, but its color will shift over time. Some oak is also treated using a process called fuming, exposure of the bare wood to ammonia. Ammonia reacts to the natural tannins found in the wood and results in a tan hue. 

White Oak and Red Oak are among the popular varietals of oak wood, with Red Oak the most common to find. Red Oak is very porous, and works best indoors, but is an excellent wood for furniture. White Oak is less porous and has less of a pink hue. White Oak can be used both inside and outside.

Your Oak buzzword for the day? A medullary ray. A medullary ray is the design seen across the grain, and is present in any varietal of oak. It's one of its most defining characteristics which will set it apart from other types of wood. 

Feeling inspired to become a furniture aficionado? Count us in as your partner along for the ride. Next up in this series...Ash! Stay tuned...